CPSP-Tools Server
LatFit - Results
LatFit 3286210

Input and runtime details for job 3286210 (precomputed example)

PDB data

? ID of PDB to download and fit1DXS
? Atom to FitCA
? Alternative Atom Identifiernot provided
? Chain identifierA
? Model identifier1

Lattice Model

? Lattice Protein Typeno
? Lattice Type 3D face centered cubic (FCC)
? CA-CA bond length3.8


? Optimization Mode distance RMSD
? Max to keep per iteration100

Job ID 3286210 (server version 4.2.1)

?Job Submitted & Queued@ Mon Jun 13 17:15:10 CEST 2016
?LatFit Started@ Mon Jun 13 17:15:25 CEST 2016
?LatFit Finished & Post-Processing@ Mon Jun 13 17:15:25 CEST 2016
?Job Completed@ Mon Jun 13 17:15:26 CEST 2016
 DIRECT ACCESS: https://cpsp.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/RetrieveResults.jsp?jobID=3286210&toolName=LatFit ( 30 days expiry )

Description of the job

backbone example

Exemplifies the fitting of a backbone-only lattice protein within the FCC lattice.

? Output download complete results [zip]

The lattice protein model was fitted to the original data with a In the following PDB output file of LatFit is visualized, which contains both the original data fitted (chain P in gray) as well as the lattice protein model (chain L in blue). The original PDB file is shown below.
This visualization is created with glmol.

PDB representation of the shown structures

Job resubmission

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When using LatFit please cite :

Results are computed with LatFit version 1.9.0